Durrer Center for Cardiovascular Research (Durrer Center) was founded on April 18th 2008. Named after the world renowned Dutch cardiologist and scientist Dirk Durrer, it aims to provide the cardiovascular research community with resources and a platform to collaborate with the essential know-how. Durrer Center has the infrastructure to facilitate storage and management of collected materials as well as tools for data management and bio statistical analysis. Durrer Center lays emphasis on easy-access and transparent procedures to optimize collaboration among Dutch academic centers which will result in incremental critical mass for future international collaborations.
The added value of Durrer Center is achieved by combining previously scattered stored information / (human) material and creating a secure central storage with a guaranteed quality and making it available to the research community now and in the future. It is noted that PI’s of studies always remain in control over the release of data and samples on their collected data / material stored at Durrer Center. In this way Durrer Center will benefit PIs and other Netherlands Heart Institute researchers / cardiovascular research community.
Durrer Center stores the (human) samples and the clinical data solely for the purpose of research and in compliance with applicable regulation. Durrer Center refrains from using the (human) samples for sale, lease or license purposes and any uses to produce or manufacture products for general sale.
Prior to making (human) samples and/or clinical data available for research, approval should be obtained from the PI and User Council (‘Gebuikersraad’). Furthermore, if applicable, approval of the relevant Ethics Committee must be obtained for each research plan prior to making available (human) samples and/or clinical data available for research. No (human) samples and/or clinical data shall be transferred by Durrer Center in the absence of such approval(s).