Durrer Center for Cardiovasculair Research is initiated by the Netherlands Heart Institute in 2008. The Netherlands Heart Institute fosters excellent cardiovascular research on national and international level. NL-HI conducts basic science as well as clinical research. NL-HI aims to promote cooperations between university medical centers in the Netherlands and between scientists and the private sector.

Durrer Center facilitates high-quality logistic support in collection and storage of sample and data for researchers in the field of cardiovascular research. Providing a transparent mechanism for sample and data access will benefit the entire scientific community and society.
Durrer Center has a neutral and independent position in relation to the individual UMCs, researchers / consortia and other parties. Durrer Center is a non-profit-making organization.

Durrer Center is situated in the Amsterdam University Medical center location AMC and works in close collaboration with AmsterdamUMC biobank. Durrer Center and AmsterdamUMC biobank share employees, rooms, protocols, and quality standards. AmsterdamUMC biobank is one of the core facilities at the AmsterdamUMC and has been established in 2014.